The learning passport


UNIVERSITY EDUCATION  has an important role to play, but much of what you learn is already out of date when you have finished your course. We’d like to see a focus on lifelong learning.

We’d like to see a way of logging and validating ongoing learning. Moving the accreditation process to a universal learning platform that allows you to be recognised for courses, experiences and other forms of learning.

What if your learning passport could recognise the management book you just read – the online course you did from the University of London, and the two months of field work in Indonesia.

Take it further – add a game component that allows you to challenge yourself and set learning goals. “I want to learn how to play the guitar”, “I want to grow my own vegetables”. You decide what learning you want to make public, what you share with friends, and what you share with colleagues and employers.

The one learning passport would be recognised worldwide.

Let’s make it happen.

Originally Published in the Identity Journal

 Image by Thomascornyn

The Identity Journal – The Identity Journal is an annual publication, published by TANK Branding, which explores contemporary views on branding, innovative business ideas and the people at the heart of them. Available online at or via iTunes.

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